The Research & Innovation unit will host the BIRAC-BioNEST Bioincubator of DMMC. DMMC is the first standalone medical college in India to be awarded this scheme by the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India and the incubator focusses in Healthcare Technologies involving Biotech, Biomed, IoT & AI, Digital Health, Healthcare Economics/Management, Blockchain & Bioinformatics.


  • Indigenous healthcare technology is lacking in the country and many products are currently imported. Therefore the technologies are not based on our patient population. DMMC as a database is continuously accumulated based on which unmet clinical needs can be addressed and has the facilities for biomedical technology development in its R&I unit which will be utilized to promote Start Ups to develop innovative indigenous healthcare technology products.
  • DMMC envisage reduced lab to market duration by providing an incubation facility within the campus and aims to utilize the opportunity through Make in India & Atmanirbhar Bharath platforms.
  • The goal of the proposed BioNEST is to help young innovators and entrepreneurs to develop healthcare technology by nurturing them through various steps of need identification till product / process validation.
  • DMMC is located in a backward district of Kerala where the healthcare facilities are very limited and it aims to support regional development by providing better healthcare, educational opportunities and nurturing young talents for technology development.

Beneficiaries of DMMC BioNEST:

  • Young Aspirants – Medical, Engineering, Pharma, Veterinary, Biotech students & Start Ups [It is expected that proximity to NITs-Calicut, Trichy, Suratkal, NIELIT-Calicut, IIM-Calicut, IIIT- Kottayam, , IIT- Palakkad, Govt. Medical Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Dental College, Universities-Veterinary, Health & Agriculture will facilitate the process]
  • Start-ups oriented towards healthcare technology
  • Local Community – Regional Development
  • The State – Technology, Infrastructure, Revenue Development & Self Sustainability
  • Patients & Clinicians

The Bioincubator facility will be established and operational soon.